

[1] n. Negativ (Fotografie)
[2] n. Ablehnung
[3] n. Negation
[4] v. verneinend, negativ, abschlägig
[5] adj. negativ

[ 'negәtiv ]

   negative 例句 Source: Tatoeba
  1. Some people argue that technology has negative effects.
    Manche Leute wenden ein, dass Technik negative Folgen hat.
  2. The economy recorded a negative growth.
    Die Wirtschaft verzeichnete ein negatives Wachstum.
  3. The results were negative.
    Die Ergebnisse waren negativ.
  4. His negative attitude rendered all my efforts useless.
    Seine passive Einstellung machte all meine Bemühungen zunichte.
  5. His reply was negative.
    Ihre Antwort war negativ.
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